Monday, May 18, 2020

There Are Three Majors Of Ethical Study In Philosophy.

There are three majors of ethical study in philosophy. Based on three important pieces, which are â€Å"Nicomachean† by Aristotle which talks about virtue ethics, â€Å"Utilitarianism† by Mills which talks about Utilitarianism, and â€Å"simplified of Kants Ethics† by Onara O’neill, we can compare three types of ethics that is important to learn in philosophy of ethics. Starting with Aristotle idea of virtue ethics, which was written in Nicomachean Ethics. In the first book, Aristotle talks about the Human Goods, which divided into thirteen different sections. Aristotle believes that human activity aims some goods, which also refers to good to others rather than means to an ends. He also believes that ethics is part of politics. Ethics works with†¦show more content†¦Each one of them must have their own function. That what will make each individual unique, and using reason to act, which would be the best and most complete virtue, instead of using the reflection of acts or consequence. Aristotle also explained that virtue is praiseworthy, but happiness is above praise, also the two kinds of virtues that was discussed were division of the soul, and resultant division of virtue into intellectual and moral. Mills idea of utilitarianism in this writings of â€Å"Utilitarianism† gives another idea of different moralization. Utilitarianism is basically maximizing your happiness, but also universally accepted, they produced at least as much net happiness as any available action. He believes that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure. To fully understand the fully happiness principle Mills brought up a couple of principle. First is the consequentialism, which basically the right act will be determine in part of fully by the consequence. The consequence will be related by the happiness, first you to think what really make you happy, then you weigh several different of actions, and then you figure out which course of action will make the most out of your happiness, then you take that course of action. It doesn’t really matterShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophy : The Moral Life Essay1164 Words   |  5 PagesBefore the beginning of the semester, I had a general understanding of three major philosophies- Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Feminism. These three philosophies come up frequently in my life. I judge an event in which philosophy is the main focus. In addition, I like to use these three principles in my moral judgments and decisions. Reaching the end of this class and semester I can say that my knowledge of these three philosophies has expanded immensely. 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